Week 1

This first week has been very interesting and exciting for me. At first, I was a little underwhelmed by the project, because I thought that doing lit review this week would not be as fun as a hands-on project. But, as I read more and more articles, I have been getting more and more excited about this topic. What interests me the most so far is how researchers choose to set up experiments. I’ve learned about this for the first time through both the CITI training and the academic literature. There is a lot more careful consideration that goes into setting up experimentation than I thought, such as navigating limitations, protecting subjects’ autonomy and privacy, and coordinating with these factors to make a fruitful experiment. I read one article that was about an experiment performed to study where people’s eyes look and for how long when watching movies with captions. It was interesting to see that even though the edited captions took less time to read, and would theoretically be better because they would grant the viewer more time to look at visuals, most DHH individuals prefer verbatim captions. The reason has to do with clarity and comprehension. How captions and caption metrics affect comprehension is something that I’d like to research more. Furthermore, I need to research how exactly captions are edited and what qualifies as edited, verbatim, or near-verbatim. I also need to look into WER and WWER calculations, and how those are facilitated on Jupyter, for next week.

Written on June 1, 2020