Week 4

I enjoyed this week, mainly because we got to make many big picture decisions regarding how our experiment will run and what will work best in order to get accurate results. I felt like a researcher for the first time! I also had fun with the details in our work, such as watching live TV with captions and looking for the errors. This task was a lot harder than it seemed, because the captions were so extremely delayed that I had to remember what I was hearing in the audio for 5 seconds before I would verify when the captions would finally pop up, all the while listening to new audio. It was like a mental exercise. I had to replay many clips to make sure I understood what mistakes were occurring so that I could classify them. I felt that this was a pretty successful technique, and I’m excited to continue doing this next week to gather a few more clips to test with subjects. Next week, I will also continue to write our methods for our typed paper, as I finally finished our typed introduction and background sections. We also finally heard back from NCAM, and figured out how WWER weights would be calculated. I made sure to include this in the background of our paper. I will also help finalize our participant flyer, and I think we will probably start advertising our study next week as well, depending on how the IRB review goes. We also will need to start looking at the code scripts next week and seeing how to evaluate each metric for each clip we have chosen. I am excited to see how all this goes, and hopefully the code doesn’t give us too trouble.

Written on June 11, 2021